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BY Minne Marlo
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Compass quotes #17
“It’s different in every culture, a Bulgarian friend claims that they are hugging here a lot. Which seems to be somehow true! In Belgium...
Compass quotes #16
“I was going through a dark time and at the same time my partner was also going through some crisis. So we were both not in the best...
Compass Quotes #15
“He: We got connected through similar interests. We both wanted to travel, to see something different, to learn a new language. We met at...
Compass Quotes #14
“For a couple of years I was travelling and chasing girls a lot. Sometimes I met amazing people and then I told them, I could not be...
Compass quotes #13
"I grew up in a very challenged family. My father was not a father, he was barely there. And when he was there, he was drunk and...
Compass Quotes #12
“The intimacy at a concert can give you the same spark as sex. You share the moment when there is a stimulation of your senses. The music...
Compass Quotes #11
"Love is, if you like each other and you kiss. There is one boy in my class ‘T.’ that I like, but sometimes he’s not nice. He is a boy...
Compass Quotes #10
"I was involved with boys and too much drugs... I am really not proud of it. I wasn't who I wanted to be or who I was supposed to be. I...
Compass Quotes #9
"She knows me way too well and she can feel if something is going on. Your language or your body wants to say things, but you will feel...
Compass quotes #8
"People with borderline deal with it in very different ways, but I would view sexuality as something 'borderline spiritual'. I think it...
Compass quotes #7
"I'm still alive so I don't it know yet, but for eternal love or real love... I think it should last forever and 'forever' only exists...
Compass quotes #6
“She was trying for so long and she couldn't get pregnant. For 3 or 4 times she thought she was pregnant but she wasn't. So this last...
Compass quotes #5
“Sexuality is life, for me. We are sexual beings so everything that we do is sexual. We are sitting here, you are one gender and I'm the...
Compass quotes #4
"I grew up in an interesting family, because I think in the day and age that we live in, there are a lot of broken relationships and a...
Compass Quotes #3
“I have lots of regrets. I think the main thing in relationships is that sometimes you let the little things, become big things. When you...
Compass Quotes #2
“I don't know if I'm abnormal in the amount of love that I have to give. I have experienced myself as a very energetic person, like a...
Compass Quote #1
"I experienced real love. It wasn’t the moment my children were born. That was a moment for me were the first connection still had to be...
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