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Terms and Conditions

This document defines the agreements for a coaching relationship between Minne Marlo (coach) and you (coachee) in the text also referred to as 'I'

International sessions will be solely online and not at the location of the coach. 


It is the coachee's responsibility to schedule all calls and sessions at the location within a timely manner using the calendar tool at Should the coach (or coachee) be unavailable in a certain week due to travels, retreats, and so on, an agreement will be made on how to make up for that.


The coachee has chosen to pay coaching fees in total for 3 months, before the start of the first session. At the end of the 3rd month, both parties can decide whether or not they want to renew their commitment.


All paid values are non-refundable.


This coaching relationship provides a space for inner exploration to allow for personal transformation. Different tools will be used during the calls like presence based coaching, meditation, energy work, inquiry, and so on. 


The services provided by Minne do not substitute the care of a physician, psychologist, mental health professional, or medical doctor. No prescribing or diagnosing will be made. It is the coachee’s responsibility to look for professional support in those areas should the need arise.


Some further agreements should define the spirit of this relationship:


1. Agreements vs Expectations


Most of us relate to people and the world in a context of expectation, and this especially holds true in a coaching relationship. The wiser choice is to relate through agreement. As a coachee, I choose to create high integrity clear agreements in my coaching relationship (and in all areas of my life). If I notice I have an unmet expectation about our coaching I understand that it is my responsibility to further create a clear agreement and I will speak up to let my coach know and work to reach a new agreement.


2. Communication


I agree to speak what’s on my mind and to not assume that the other knows or should know what’s going on in my internal and external life. I will not assume that the other person is aware of my internal state. It is a friendly thing to over-communicate to ensure that others do know and can treat me appropriately.


3. Bend Don’t Break


I agree to be uncomfortable with my growth. This is not an easy path and I know that I am enthusiastically volunteering to be in places that stretch me. However, I agree to not put myself in potentially harmful situations.


I am playing as an adult and take responsibility for my own psyche and physical being. I will use my common sense to keep myself safe, and will use safe words like: “I’m at my absolute edge”, or “I’m hitting the red zone”. It is my responsibility to say, “No” when I’m unable to keep playing. I take it upon myself to play wisely.


4. Transparency


I agree to be vulnerable and admit when there is something unseen or unspoken, even if I may not know exactly what it is. I am willing to tell on myself. If I catch myself not playing full out, I speak up. If I catch myself not being fully present, I speak up. I will also own my victories and brag with reckless abandon.


5. No Guarantee


I understand that results come solely from my own effort and motivation. Even then, results may manifest in a far different way than I had expected them to. Rather than blame others, I take full responsibility for any and all personal and professional growth.


6. Confidentiality


I understand that I can share my subjective experiences and insights with others AND I agree to keep the specifics of our processes, practices, and instructions completely secret and confidential to avoid things being taken out of context for those outside of the coaching relationship and to not reproduce experiences on others without the background knowledge of the deeper how, why and safety measures of what we use during the sessions.


I acknowledge I can share freely and openly during the sessions knowing this is a sacred space held in utmost confidentiality.


Exceptions To Confidentiality:

In order to protect your health and wellbeing and improve as a human, we also hold the following exceptions to confidentiality for the coach, Minne: 

- Discussion of our work with my own coach, but with names omitted.

- Discussion with spiritual teachers, again with names omitted.

- Discussion with a mental health professional if the need arises, but only after advising you of this intention.


7. Honoring Our Container


The container in which we practice is just as important as the coaching itself. By creating a strong and sacred container, our coaching will benefit. If our container gets leaky, the coaching suffers. There are many aspects of a strong container: Time, Space, Attention, and Communication. Our intention is to create each of these with the same care as we do our coaching.


Time: I commit to being at the scheduled call on time. If I know I'll be late, I will email/text the coach to let them know. If I need to reschedule a call, I will let the coach know at least 48 hours in advance. If it's in 48 hours, I understand the coach will do their best to reschedule, but without extenuating circumstances, I may forfeit my session. I understand the coach will also give 48 hours notice if he needs to reschedule, and if an unforeseen conflict arises within 48 hours, we will discuss ways to make up the session.


Space: for each scheduled call, I commit to being in a private space where I feel safe and comfortable so that I can bring my full heart expression. I understand the coach also commits to preparing his space.


Attention: For each scheduled call, I commit to any preparation beforehand that would serve me in bringing my full attention, including, coming prepared with my journal, homework, and having practiced beforehand. I understand the coach also commits to preparing his attention.


Communication: we value quality over speed. I understand the coach will read all emails I send to If I want a response to a particular email, a particular kind of response, or a response by a particular time I must include an indication of this in the subject line. This is as much a practice of powerful requests as it is a way to support communications with integrity. For urgent practical communication about the appointment, I can message the coach through Whatsapp on 0032456080731.


8. 100%


Most people show up in relationships (romantic, business, etc) as a 50/50 partner. "I'll give 50% if you give 50%". This model can precipitate a victim mentality if the other doesn't show up the way we expect.


The most powerful way to be in a relationship is 100/0 or: "I am 100% responsible for myself and you are 0% responsible”. This is how we take full ownership of life and relationships. I commit to taking 100% in creating the most powerful coaching relationship. I agree to play full out and show up 100%. I understand the coach commits to doing the same.


9. Insights vs. Time


Insights come when we least expect them to. Knowing that on our coaching timeline I may have an "a-ha!" or insight during one session but not the next. Some insights, clarity, and deep truths reveal themselves in a few minutes, and others slowly over weeks, months, and even years.


Knowing that 'insights' don’t run on a schedule, I understand that coaching doesn’t either. Sometimes we may be at the edge of a breakthrough and we may decide to go over our time commitment. Another time we may have done such deep work that continuing would not serve me. I agree to honor insight first and use time as a container for deep practice, not a bar to measure the power or depth of experience. If I feel complete, I will let my coach know. If I feel extra support would be of greatest service to me because I’m at the edge of a breakthrough, I will make that request.


10. Self Resourced


The foundation of our coaching relationship is the shared understanding that I am the one who holds the answers to the challenges I face. The coach’s role is not to give me advice or solutions, but to be a partner and a catalyst through questioning, deep listening, and holding me accountable to the goals I set.


I understand that I am my greatest resource, naturally creative, and whole. I have the internal wisdom and I am fully capable of envisioning, pursuing, and achieving my purpose.


11. No-Spa Coaching


I understand that coaching is not a trip to the spa. I am responsible for showing up on our calls and in our relationship with powerful questions, content, energy, and engagement. I do not expect my coach to do the work for me. I am responsible for my actions, choices, thoughts, and feelings. I am not looking to my coach to be my hero or savior. It is on me to create the success I want in my life.


12. Integrity


A. Impeccability:

While we can aspire to be impeccable with our word, being human means there will be times we make a commitment we do not keep.


During our coaching journey, I will refrain from saying "Sorry". Instead, I commit to staying in integrity with my word. If I get leaky in my agreement, I commit to clean up where I haven't kept my word. (i.e. "I acknowledge I that I did not follow through on calling my friend. I re-commit to completing the agreement I made to call my friend.”)


B. Punctuality:

I agree to show up on time and to be in a quiet environment conducive to practice, learning, and vulnerability. If I cannot be in integrity with my time and place agreement, then I commit to letting the coach know as far in advance as I possibly can.


13. I Am Responsible


I recognize that being responsible means I have the ability to choose my response to any situation.


I agree to take responsibility for myself, to speak my truth, and to ask for what I want. I agree to be responsible for my own feelings and judgments, and I understand I have three responses to any request or challenge that my coach offers me: I can say “Yes”; I can say “No”; and/or I can Renegotiate. I also understand that my coach has the same three responses to any request I make of him.


14. I’m All In


I understand that effective coaching offers a huge potential for personal and professional development. I understand that ongoing engagement is what can make a measurable difference and especially through difficult times, I am all in. I understand there are no refunds. If I feel dissatisfied with my investment, I will let my coach know and we will discuss ways to bring the power back, possibilities moving forward, and other alternatives.


15. Aftercare - Selfcare


I understand I won’t finish every session with a feeling of relief or euphoria. Sometimes the session will not finish when we disconnect the call, but will rather continue when I’m by myself. I will take this into notice when I make other plans for the day, so I keep my calendar as free and as flexible as I possibly can. 


After bodywork sessions (breathwork, de-armoring, or trauma release practices) or in-depth emotional coaching, I might be experiencing some detox symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle pains, shaking, extreme emotions, transpiration, etc.


I will take care of myself by drinking lots of water and listening well to my body after a session. When I’m too uneasy about some of these symptoms, I contact a medical professional. 


16. The Spirit of Heart 


Your ability to affect change is proportional to remembering your own compassionate heart as a way to connect more deeply with yourself.


I understand that even though times of pain, the judgment of myself and others, and so on, I have the ability to choose my heart as a resource - not as a way to bypass, but as a practice.

© Last update by Minne Marlo. Proudly created with LOVE.

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